Molecular biology
.. "molecular cloning", and "gene cloning" all refer to the same process: a.. .. DNA technology", "DNA cloning", "molecular cloning", and.. ..keywords: biology, mutagenesis, PCR, DNA, cloning, DNA ligation,.. ..keywords: biology, mutagenesis, PCR, DNA, cloning, DNA ligation, transformation, plasmid..
Neural development and embryonic stem cell-based developmental modelling
.. describes how to investigate the roles of genes in human neural development using stem cell.. .. basic molecular biology techniques (e.g. gene cloning, making fusion protein, PCR and sequencing), and.. ..keywords: Gene cloning, fusion protein, PCR, cDNA, cloning.. ..keywords: cloning, fusion protein, PCR, cDNA, cloning vectors,..
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course
.. of two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gene for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR),.. ..keywords: research, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, gene polymorphism, polymerase chain..
Analysis of genomic and proteomic data
.. steps from pre-processing through differential gene(protein)-expression to pathways and.. ..keywords: proteomics, gene expression, dna, microarray, data..
Protein preparation
.. allow students to gain knowledge about protein cloning, expression and purification. The second part..