Theoretical foundations of practical exercises in human physiology

The texts are primarily intended as a theoretical basis for practical exercises in physiology. They do not replace a classical textbook of physiology and mastering the knowledge summarized in them is not sufficient to pass the final exam. However, they can also serve as a first reading before attending a lecture on the topic. They will help in orienting you to the subject, summarizing the basic knowledge, including key words and terms you need to know on the topic. These texts are based on many years of experience of the teachers of the Institute of Physiology of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University with what most often causes problems for students in practical exercises (and possibly in the practical exam).
Oral mucosal diseases – repetitorium and atlas

This electronic publication includes a textbook and an accompanying image database of pathologies of the oral mucosa. The introductory chapters cover general knowledge of the oral mucosa. This is followed by chapters on individual diseases, including differential diagnostic notes. All patients whose anonymized images were included in the Atlas agreed with using the images for educational purposes. The chapters covering rare diseases were supplemented with photographs from book atlases to make the electronic image database of our atlas as complete as possible.
New methods of primary prevention of dental caries in children

The study material “New methods in primary prevention of dental caries in children” is based on the need to present updated literature on primary prevention of dental caries in children, which reflects current trends and the latest findings of basic, applied and clinical research in the field of etiopathogenesis and prevention of dental caries. Due to the intensive scientific work of our team in this field, supported by a number of Czech and international publications, we have implemented results from molecular genetics and microbiology or behavioral intervention into the scripts. We point out the necessity of interdisciplinary cooperation and the benefits and interconnection of theoretical and clinical disciplines at medical and science faculties, not only in the framework of oral health research.
Spectacle technique and technology

This set of four publications is offered to foreign students as a support for practice from subjects Spectacle technique and technology. Each publication contains 14 exercises which deals with important topics from optical and optometry practice. Students will learn how to measure pupillary distance for far and near, how to center spherical spectacle lens and what is the different in centration of aspherical lens.
Research Activities in Dentistry

This teaching material is intended for students of Dentistry registered for the subject Research Activities in Dentistry. The aim of that subject is to improve the students' knowledge of the scientific advancements in dentistry and closely related fields, to motivate students to participate in research activities, to augment their scientific ambitions and, therefore, to lay grounds for their postgraduate studies and scientific career.
Selected chapters from general pharmacology for students of general medicine and dentistry at FM MU

This text covers selected chapters on general pharmacology including fundamental pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, routes of drug administration, classification of drug dosage forms and their main features, adverse drug reactions and drug interactions. It is intended for students of general medicine and dentistry of English study programmes at the Faculty of Medicine MU.
Selected Chapters in Adult Urology

The publication “Selected Chapters in Adult Urology” is intended for English-speaking students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University. These comprehensive study materials cover the entire spectrum of adult urology. Texts are supplemented with extensive image documentation. The publication is comprehensive enough to be used by students for their preparation for the state examination, in accordance with the latest knowledge of urology.
General and specialized psychiatry

The psychiatry makes part of neuroscience which is currently undergoing dynamic development. Although two high-quality textbooks are available now, there have been some changes in the practical outputs of our discipline. The objective of these seminar notes from psychiatry course is to follow these changes, and to provide you with up-to-date information which is necessary to acquire the basic knowledge. These materials will be updated on a regular basis. These notes do not replace recommended textbooks, they should give you a quick overview of the basic topics in psychiatry. They are supposed to be used in your preparation for psychiatry courses and should be helpful during the revision of the explained matter.
Immunology for student of general medicine

This is a presentation of lectures of the subject „Immunology“ for students of general medicine. It covers basic aspects of theoretical immunology, immunopathological states, immunological aspects of transplantation and immune response to tumours. Also immune reaction to microbes and principles of vaccination are covered. The course includes basic information of immunological laboratory methods and their interpretation as well.
Practicals in Pharmacology

The text provides an introduction to general principles and rules for prescription of drugs in various pharmaceutical dosage forms with examples of individually prepared preparation prescriptions in dermatology, otorhinolaryngology, surgery, ophthalomology and for treatments of the CNS, respiratory and digestive systems disorders. There is also an introduction to phytopharmacotherapy and a chapter dealing with information on principles and ethics in experimental pharmacology.