Free fibula harvesting – videolecture

This educational video shows the procedure for harvesting a free vascularized fibula that can be used for microsurgical reconstruction of bone defects of the tibia, femur, forearm, and upper or lower jaw. The entire operation, which has been edited into a 18-minute video, is described in detail: English subtitles are available.
Selected chapters from neurosurgery

This set of educational videos is dedicated to selected topics in the area of neurosurgery: surgical techniques (basic procedures in neurosurgery), trephination of chronic subdural haematoma, endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV), supplementary tests in normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), introduction of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, transnasal extirpation of a pituitary adenoma, awake craniotomy (brain tumour surgery), treatment of subarachnoid haemorrhage from a cerebral aneurysm, and treatment of pial arteriovenous malformations of the brain.
Automatic urinalysis

An automated unit for chemical and microscopic examination of urine. This instruction video on automatic biochemical analysers was made in collaboration with the Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry and Haematology of the Faculty Hospital in Brno, the Dept. of Biochemistry, and the Data Processing Centre of the MU Fac. of Medicine in Brno. It is provided with a spoken commentary which, on the one hand, gives a static description of the individual components of the analyser and, on the other, accompanies individual demonstrations of its function. The video also contains a description and a demonstration of the functioning of the automated urine laboratory (automated unit for chemical and microscopic examination of urine iQ200).
Random access analyser (HITACHI 917)

The automatic biochemical analyser Hitachi 917 is a prototype of high-capacity selective analyser. It has a capacity of 800 photometric tests per hour and the possibility of selective choice out of a range of fifty biochemical tests. This involves spectrophotometric methods that utilise measurements of absorbance of the reaction mixture in a cuvette at various wavelengths. A part of the analyser is an ion-selective electrode module for the determination of sodium, potassium, and chlorides. The duration of the video is 17 min.
Mini-invasive treatment of stress urinary incontinence with tension free vaginal tape TVT-O

The insertion of a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) under the urethra has become the golden standard in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Stress urinary incontinence represents serious medical and social problem. Surgical treatment of urethra hypermobility or hypotonia has become the optimal treatment option. Mini-invasive vaginal surgical approach is the most effective. This video shows vaginal urethropexis with tension free vaginal tape inserted to obturatory fossa by "inside-out" technique.
Anatomical Dissection of the Head

The educational videofilm Anatomical dissection of the head is aimed at students of general medicine and dentistry in order to provide them with information necessary for preparation to the dissection of the head within the scope of anatomical studies. The film deals with the dissection of individual regions of the head in the way that is used in the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk Unniversity, Brno.
Anatomical Dissection - Introduction to dissection course

The educational videofilm Anatomical dissection - Introduction to dissection course is aimed at students of the medical faculty within the scope of anatomical studies in order to provide them with information necessary for correct procedure during anatomical dissection. Under supervision of an experienced instructor, students will be able to dissect and identify important structures of the specific body region after having watched the film and studied respective chapters of the textbooks. The film will contribute to achievement of the knowledge and practical skill needed for success at final anatomy examination.
Using MIPO technique, LCP 4,5/5,0, to treat intraarticular proximal tibia fracture

Intraarticular proximal tibia fracture is usualy very difficult therapeutic problem. In hhis video is showed minimal invasive treatment of the intraarticular proximal tibia fracture of type AO 41-C3 using the MIPO technique, LCP 4,5/5,0. The position of the patient is very important for the operation progress.
Blood taking

This video recording is destined for supplementation of the instruction in Clinical Biochemistry in biomedical disciplines and deals with the description of procedures used in the taking and processing of blood. It gives a concise documentation on the preparation of the patient prior to the taking and the procedure during the taking of venous blood. Emphasis is laid on the use of the closed system of blood taking. Mention is made of the transport and storage of samples, procedures of the taking of plasma and serum, and of obtaining and processing capillary blood.
Experimentally induced atherosclerosis in laboratory animal

Tutorial film “Experimentally induced atherosclerosis in laboratory animal - part 1 and 2 “ is intended for students of Pathophysiology in General Medicine (VLA) and Dental Medicine (ZLA) courses. The film systematically shows the procedure to create an experimental model of atherosclerosis in laboratory animal, surgical techniques, tools and equipment as well as subsequent processing of biological material. It aims to serve as an introduction to the student´s practical work itself.