Medical Assessment Service in the Czech Republic
.. (or the so called pillars). It is a system of social insurance, system of state social support.. .. the so called pillars). It is a system of social insurance, system of state social support and system of.. ..keywords: State social support, Social Assistance, benefits of sickness insurance, Types of pensions,.. ..keywords: social support, Social Assistance, benefits of sickness insurance, Types of pensions,.. ..keywords: social support, Social Assistance, benefits of sickness insurance, Types of pensions, Disability,.. ..keywords: Service, Social Security Systém, Social insurance, State social support, Social Assistance,.. ..of. MUDr. Petr Brhel, CSc., MUDr. Markéta ..
New methods of primary prevention of dental caries in children
.. of interdisciplinary cooperation and the benefits and interconnection of theoretical and clinical.. .. “New methods in primary prevention of dental caries in children” is based on the.. .. Prof. Petra Bořilová Linhartová, Michaela Bartošová Př..
6th year of the MEFANET conference brought new ideas for the education of future health professionals
.. 6th year of the MEFANET conference was held in Brno, Czech.. .. participants and appreciated its substantial benefits for the education of medical students in both.. .. speech given by Dr Ladislav Dusek, Chairman of the Coordinating Council of the MEFANET project..
MEFANET 2008 introduced modern teaching methods applied at medical faculties
.. and health informatics in the education of medical disciplines, took place in Hotel Voronez.. .. Šafárik University in Košice) explained the benefits of documentation of rare cases treatment in the.. .. The last year's programme and the composition of participants, however, were much more varied..