Proceedings of the conference MEFANET 2008 published
At the occasion of Coordinating Council meeting in June 2009, the representatives of medical faculties involved in the MEFANET project obtained the printed version of proceedings from the conference MEFANET 2008. The print of this proceedings is 1,000 copies; the proceedings is not for sale and was distributed to all Czech and Slovak medical faculties, each of them having obtained 60-100 copies. The electronic version of MEFANET 2008 proceedings is available for download here.
Editors: Ing. Daniel Schwarz, Ph.D. (IBA LF MU), doc. RNDr. Ladislav Dušek, Ph.D. (IBA LF MU), prof. MUDr. Stanislav Štípek, DrSc. (1. LF UK), prof. MUDr. Vladimír Mihál, CSc. (LF UP), Dr. Chris Paton (National Institute of Health Innovation, University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Proceedings of the conference MEFANET 2009 published
At 4th conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine with international participation, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical disciplines MEFANET 2010, the participants and the representatives of medical faculties involved in the MEFANET project obtained the printed version of proceedings from the conference MEFANET 2009. The print of this proceedings is 1,000 copies; the proceedings is not for sale and was distributed to all Czech and Slovak medical faculties, each of them having obtained 60-100 copies. The electronic version of MEFANET 2009 proceedings is available for download below.
6th year of the MEFANET conference brought new ideas for the education of future health professionals
The 6th year of the MEFANET conference was held in Brno, Czech Republic, from Tuesday 27th to Wednesday 28th November 2012. This conference provides a regular opportunity for teachers and students from medical faculties from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia to meet experts in health care informatics and providers of electronical support in the education. Apart from methodical and educational aspects of e-learning at medical faculties in general, this year's conference has again dealt with the impact of this phenomenon on a specific medical specialty: a thematically focused symposium addressed the fields of orthopaedics, rheumatology and physiotherapy.
MEFANET 2008 introduced modern teaching methods applied at medical faculties
.. second conference MEFANET, which was focused on e-learning and.. .. like the previous year (2007), the last year's conference was primarily aimed at lecturers working at.. ..keywords: informatics, telemedicine, conference..
Projekt MeDiMed
.. Republic. Proceedings of the 22th International Conference of EuroPACS & MIR (Managenment in Radiology)..
Digitální atlas normálních nálezů v DICOM formátu
.. in Proceedings of the International Conference nternational Association of Science and..