Pediatric otorhinolaryngology
.. defects of ear
Diseases of the external ear
Diseases of the middle ear
.. .. controlled with external..
Selected chapters from neurosurgery
.. The third video documents the implantation of external ventricular drainage in obstructive.. .. video documents the implantation of external ventricular drainage in obstructive hydrocephalus and the.. .. the implantation of external ventricular drainage in obstructive hydrocephalus and the last video.. ..keywords: brain surgery, subdural hematoma, trephination, external ventricular drainage, pituitary gland, adenoma,.. ..keywords: subdural hematoma, trephination, external ventricular drainage, pituitary gland, adenoma,.. ..keywords: hematoma, trephination, external ventricular drainage, pituitary gland, adenoma, microadenoma,..
Paediatric ENT
.. defects of ear
Diseases of the external ear
Diseases of the inner ear
Hydrocephalus - demonstrační kasuistika
.. exudate is translated on images as periventricular hypoattenuation (CT) or hyperintensity (MRI.. .. "atrophy" and increased periventricular and deep white matter signal on fluid-attenuated..