Selected chapters from orthopaedics

The educational contribution introduces the selected chapters from orthopaedics, namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression, surgery for back pain, osteoporosis, scoliosis, spine deformities, and spine trauma. The material provides the basic and essential knowledge required to pass the examination.
Pediatric Orthopaedics

Pediatric orthopedics is an important part of the Orthopedics. This branch of medicine has a long-term tradition in the Czech Republic and Czech orthopedists have an important place in the worldwide history, thanks to prof. Frejka, prof. Pavlik and many others. In these study materials medical students can find some core topics of a pediatric orthopedics - a frequently occurring deformities and diseases of childhood. They can also serve as an basic review of the most common orthopedics diseases.
Using MIPO technique, LCP 4,5/5,0, to treat intraarticular proximal tibia fracture

Intraarticular proximal tibia fracture is usualy very difficult therapeutic problem. In hhis video is showed minimal invasive treatment of the intraarticular proximal tibia fracture of type AO 41-C3 using the MIPO technique, LCP 4,5/5,0. The position of the patient is very important for the operation progress.