Medical Assessment Service in the Czech Republic
.. (or the so called pillars). It is a system of social insurance, system of state social support.. ..Social security is a general name for a system formed.. ..keywords: insurance, Types of pensions, Disability, Purposes of Social Services, Method Of Evaluation Of The.. ..keywords: social support, Social Assistance, benefits of sickness insurance, Types of pensions,.. ..keywords: Assessment Service, Social Security Systém, Social insurance, State social .. ..keywords: of pensions, Disability, Purposes of Social Services, Method Of Evaluation Of The.. ..of. MUDr. Petr Brhel, CSc., MUDr. Markéta ..
Mini-invasive treatment of stress urinary incontinence with tension free vaginal tape TVT-O
.. insertion of a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) under the.. .. incontinence represents serious medical and social problem. Surgical treatment of urethra.. .. sensitive [?]
Mini-invasive treatment of stress urinary incontinence with tension free..
Oral mucosal diseases – repetitorium and atlas
.. agreed with using the images for educational purposes. The chapters covering rare diseases were.. .. a textbook and an accompanying image database of pathologies of the oral mucosa. The introductory.. ..of. MUDr. Lydie Izakovičová Hollá, Antonín Fas..
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course
.. in the field of Dentistry, both for research purposes and for diagnosis of diseases (not only) of the.. .. educational material is intended for students of Dentistry who signed for the subject Research.. ..keywords: research, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, gene polymorphism, polymerase..
Přístup do DynaMed pro LF MU
.. medical students and other health care professionals to research high-end synthesized.. .. and indirectly by using ten journal review services. Each publication is reviewed cover-to-cover,..
DIOS - Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard
.. use for clinical practice and/or educational purposes. The electronic standards can also be used as.. .. objective to enhance the oncologists' awareness of the significance of dose intensity monitoring in.. .. the goals mentioned above, the most important of them being the survey and digitization of.. .. Ing. Petr Brabec, MUDr. Jan Novotný, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Rostislav Vyzula, CSc., prof. MUDr. Jitka..
Projekt MeDiMed
.. and Communication System), ale který směřuje k sofistikovanějšímu řešení metropolitnímu a region.. .. Satellite Solution to Deploy Healthcare Services Over Wide Areas. Projekt 6. rámcového programu E..
MEFANET 2008 introduced modern teaching methods applied at medical faculties
.. and health informatics in the education of medical disciplines, took place in Hotel Voronez.. .. The last year's programme and the composition of participants, however, were much more varied.. .. (Ukraine) or the Faculty of Health and Social Studies at University of South Bohemia in Ceske..