The DIOS project was launched in 2006 with the primary objective to enhance the oncologists' awareness of the significance of dose intensity monitoring in anticancer chemotherapy. Another objective was to develop a fully electronic version of chemotherapy regimens which could complement the Principles of Cytostatic Therapy in Malignant Tumours, published by the Czech Oncological Society of CMA JEP. The advantages of the electronic version include easy updates, as well as the possibility of direct use for clinical practice and/or educational purposes. The electronic standards can also be used as templates for hospital information system databases.
Several partial tasks had to be resolved in order to achieve the goals mentioned above, the most important of them being the survey and digitization of current chemotherapy regimens. Furthermore, the project objectives assumed that the resulting electronic version would be continuously updated and available to all potential users at any time. For these reasons, the Library of Chemotherapy Regimens is developed as an on-line freely available portal which contains educational materials and software applications, apart from the library itself. In 2010 was launched second version of portal platform which provides new information and tools related to problems of toxicity of chemotherapy.
At the present time, the database contains more than 200 definitions of chemotherapy regimens for all significant cancer diagnoses. With regard to its contents, the DIOS portal can be helpful not only to oncologists, but also to students of medicine who are interested in anticancer therapy. The Library of Chemotherapy Regimens is equipped with a search engine which facilitates the search of regimens according to selected criteria, such as diagnosis, treatment intent, treatment line or a specific cytostatic. Furthermore, the application suggests a treatment plan with user-specified number of cycles for a given patient. The calculation of cytostatic doses is explained in detail, and information is provided on the significance of dose intensity. Dose intensity can be calculated for chemotherapy regimen(s) of user's choice, using the on-line calculator on DIOS portal.
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DIOS - Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard | 31.8.2010 | anyone | – |
4-D assessment:
Textbooks and manuals |
Educational websites and atlases |
Digital video |
Presentations and animations |
Casuistics in images |
E-learning courses (LMS) |
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Undergraduate level |
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HodnoceníPlease select achieved education degree and then evaluate the teaching material particularly in light of material suitability for self-learning.
Student – student of bachelor or master degree
Graduate – graduate of bachelor or master degree PhD. Graduate – Ph.D. student, Ph.D. graduate, researcher, ...
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Contribution content is subject to licence Creative Commons Uveďte autora-Neužívejte dílo komerčně-Nezasahujte do díla Attribution 3.0 Czech Republic
Keywords: chemotherapy, chemotherapy regimens, digital library, dose-intensity
citation: Daniel Klimeš, Ladislav Dušek, Jindřich Fínek, Miroslav Kubásek, Jana Koptíková, Lenka Šnajdrová, Petr Brabec, Jan Novotný Rostislav Vyzula, Jitka Abrahámová, Luboš Petruželka: DIOS - Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of MU’s Faculty of Medicine [online] , [cit. 23. 01. 2025]. Available from WWW: ISSN 1801-6103.