Selected chapters from general pharmacology for students of general medicine and dentistry at FM MU
This text covers selected chapters on general pharmacology including fundamental pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, routes of drug administration, classification of drug dosage forms and their main features, adverse drug reactions and drug interactions. It is intended for students of general medicine and dentistry of English study programmes at the Faculty of Medicine MU.
Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses
One of the possible approaches to study human diseases and their complexity is to use non-human experimental model organisms.Electronic downloadable textbook “Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses“ for students of pathophysiology in General Medicine (VLA) and Dental Medicine (ZLA) courses aims to serve as a practical manual during the practicals and tutorials.
Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses
Učební text je souborem aktuálních návodů do praktických cvičení z Patologické fyziologie v anglickém jazyce. Obsahuje stručný úvod do dané problematiky a popis provedení jednotlivých experimentálních praktických cvičení. Výukový materiál má podobu skript rozdělených do několika ucelených tematických celků.
Immunology for student of general medicine
This is a presentation of lectures of the subject „Immunology“ for students of general medicine. It covers basic aspects of theoretical immunology, immunopathological states, immunological aspects of transplantation and immune response to tumours. Also immune reaction to microbes and principles of vaccination are covered. The course includes basic information of immunological laboratory methods and their interpretation as well.
General and specialized psychiatry
The psychiatry makes part of neuroscience which is currently undergoing dynamic development. Although two high-quality textbooks are available now, there have been some changes in the practical outputs of our discipline. The objective of these seminar notes from psychiatry course is to follow these changes, and to provide you with up-to-date information which is necessary to acquire the basic knowledge. These materials will be updated on a regular basis. These notes do not replace recommended textbooks, they should give you a quick overview of the basic topics in psychiatry. They are supposed to be used in your preparation for psychiatry courses and should be helpful during the revision of the explained matter.
Interactive algorithms in the education of selected acute medicine topics
Algorithmization and procedural management of the therapeutic process has become very popular as quality management systems have developed and health care quality has been assessed. It is obvious that a procedurally-thinking physician can react more efficiently, promptly and economically to critical situations which are so abundant in acute medicine. The interactive educational algorithms on the portal AKUTNE.CZ have been developed with the aim of simulating decision processes in acute patients. The ultimate aim of the algorithms is to make students remember the correct procedures which are necessary for the management of acute situations. This comprehensive work contains 24 interactive algorithms both in Czech and English language which deal with various acute medicine topics. It covers acute medicine from prehospital care to highly specialized hospital care.
Experimentally induced atherosclerosis in laboratory animal
.. is intended for students of Pathophysiology in General Medicine (VLA) and Dental Medicine (ZLA).. .. for students of Pathophysiology in General Medicine (VLA) and Dental Medicine (ZLA) courses. The..
First Aid e-learning
.. version of the website is intended for the general public. For students and lecturers of the.. .. For students and lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University, there is an extended..
Essentials of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
.. assigned for the students of English program of General medicine and Dentistry studies. The textbook.. .. for the students of English program of General medicine and Dentistry studies. The textbook summarizes..
Anatomical Dissection of the Head
.. dissection of the head is aimed at students of general medicine and dentistry in order to provide them.. .. of the head is aimed at students of general medicine and dentistry in order to provide them with..
Oral mucosal diseases – repetitorium and atlas
.. the oral mucosa. The introductory chapters cover general knowledge of the oral mucosa. This is followed..
Medical Assessment Service in the Czech Republic
.. security is a general name for a system formed by subsystems (or the..
Selected Chapters in Adult Urology
.. for English-speaking students of the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University. These comprehensive..
Practicals in Pharmacology
.. text provides an introduction to general principles and rules for prescription of drugs..
Basic principles and molecular mechanisms regulating early development of mammals - physiology and pathology
.. This educational material is recommened to General Medical, Dental Medical students and the..
Zdravotnická první pomoc - výukové prezentace
.. první pomoci u nejčastějších akutních stavů v medicíně, které bezprostředně ohrožují život nebo mohou oh..