Oral mucosal diseases – repetitorium and atlas
This electronic publication includes a textbook and an accompanying image database of pathologies of the oral mucosa. The introductory chapters cover general knowledge of the oral mucosa. This is followed by chapters on individual diseases, including differential diagnostic notes. All patients whose anonymized images were included in the Atlas agreed with using the images for educational purposes. The chapters covering rare diseases were supplemented with photographs from book atlases to make the electronic image database of our atlas as complete as possible.
Hypertext atlas of Dermatopathology
.. thousands of clinical and histological images of skin diseases. Virtual microscope interface is used.. .. of clinical and histological images of skin diseases. Virtual microscope interface is used to access.. .. were used in digitizing the collection of skin lymphomas (Dermatology Institute, University.. .. Immunofluorescence
Non-tumorous skin diseases
Skin tumors
Cysts of the skin and.. ..keywords: skin diseases, skin tumors, cysts of the skin and.. ..keywords: skin diseases, skin tumors, cysts of the skin and subcutis,..
Hypertext atlas of Bone Marrow Pathology
.. images of various forms of bone marrow diseases. Virtual microscope interface is used to access.. .. Bone Marrow Inflammation
Bone marrow tumorus diseases
Posttheraupetic a Posttransplant..
Anatomical Dissection - Introduction to dissection course
.. film students are instructed how to perform the skin incisions in the selected regions of the body.. ..keywords: dissection, scalpel, forceps, skin incisions, dissection of the subcutis,..
Paediatric ENT
.. ear
Congenital defects of ear
Diseases of the external ear
Diseases of the..
Pediatric otorhinolaryngology
.. physiology, investigations practice by the ORL diseases for study of otorhinolaryngology. Text is.. .. ear
Congenital defects of ear
Diseases of the external ear
Diseases of the..
Immunology for student of general medicine
.. user
Immune tolerance autoimmune diseases
789.75 KB
Hypertext atlas of Rare Lymphomas
Pediatric Orthopaedics
.. - a frequently occurring deformities and diseases of childhood. They can also serve as an basic..
Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses
.. of the possible approaches to study human diseases and their complexity is to use non-human..
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course
.. both for research purposes and for diagnosis of diseases (not only) of the oral cavity. Students will be..