The first child after in vitro fertilisation in the Czech Republic was born just at our Department as early as in 1982.
At present, fertility disorders affect approximately every seventh couple and their number has been rapidly increasing. In some countries the number of children born after in vitro fertilisation already exceeds 10 %. In the Czech Republic, 4 % of children are born after in vitro fertilisation procedure. The first child after in vitro fertilisation in the Czech Republic was born just at our Department as early as in 1982. In vitro fertilisation represents the most efficient method of treatment. The basic principle of IVF is retrieval of an oocyte and its fertilisation by a spermatozoon in laboratory environment. The fertilised oocytes are stored in a cultivation box where their further development proceeds. The embryos are usually transferred into the uterine cavity 3 to 5 days after oocyte retrieval.
The long-standing experience based on scientific research activity is reflected in the results achieved, which are comparable with the leading institutions of the world.
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Keywords: infertility, IVF, assisted reproduction, embryology, andrology
citation: Igor Crha, Jana Žáková, Jaroslav Winkler: Procedures of Assisted Reproduction. Multimedia support in the education of clinical and health care disciplines :: Portal of MU’s Faculty of Medicine [online] , [cit. 19. 01. 2025]. Available from WWW: ISSN 1801-6103.