New methods of primary prevention of dental caries in children

The study material “New methods in primary prevention of dental caries in children” is based on the need to present updated literature on primary prevention of dental caries in children, which reflects current trends and the latest findings of basic, applied and clinical research in the field of etiopathogenesis and prevention of dental caries. Due to the intensive scientific work of our team in this field, supported by a number of Czech and international publications, we have implemented results from molecular genetics and microbiology or behavioral intervention into the scripts. We point out the necessity of interdisciplinary cooperation and the benefits and interconnection of theoretical and clinical disciplines at medical and science faculties, not only in the framework of oral health research.
Research Activities in Dentistry

This teaching material is intended for students of Dentistry registered for the subject Research Activities in Dentistry. The aim of that subject is to improve the students' knowledge of the scientific advancements in dentistry and closely related fields, to motivate students to participate in research activities, to augment their scientific ambitions and, therefore, to lay grounds for their postgraduate studies and scientific career.
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course

This educational material is intended for students of Dentistry who signed for the subject Research Activities in Dentistry. In this lab seminar, students will acquire practical experience with molecular-biological analyses that are routinely used in the field of Dentistry, both for research purposes and for diagnosis of diseases (not only) of the oral cavity. Students will be tasked with the detection of two single nucleotide polymorphisms in the gene for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), an enzyme playing an important role in the folic acid metabolism. Within the scope of this seminar, students will also learn to predict the phenotype (i.e., to predict the ability to metabolize the folic acid) based on the analyzed MTHFR haplogenotype.
Proceedings of the conference MEFANET 2009 published

At 4th conference of Czech and Slovak faculties of medicine with international participation, focused on e-learning and medical informatics in the education of medical disciplines MEFANET 2010, the participants and the representatives of medical faculties involved in the MEFANET project obtained the printed version of proceedings from the conference MEFANET 2009. The print of this proceedings is 1,000 copies; the proceedings is not for sale and was distributed to all Czech and Slovak medical faculties, each of them having obtained 60-100 copies. The electronic version of MEFANET 2009 proceedings is available for download below.