Blood taking

This video recording is destined for supplementation of the instruction in Clinical Biochemistry in biomedical disciplines and deals with the description of procedures used in the taking and processing of blood. It gives a concise documentation on the preparation of the patient prior to the taking and the procedure during the taking of venous blood. Emphasis is laid on the use of the closed system of blood taking. Mention is made of the transport and storage of samples, procedures of the taking of plasma and serum, and of obtaining and processing capillary blood.
SCaLPEL clinical anatomy and surgical procedures videos – plastic surgery
.. recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded.. .. recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded clinical anatomy lectures relevant to.. ..keywords: anatomy, plastic surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax,.. ..keywords: anatomy, plastic surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free.. ..keywords: anatomy, plastic surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free.. ..keywords: anatomy, plastic surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps,.. ..keywords: plastic surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps, anatomy of.. ..keywords: plastic surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps, anatomy of lateral.. ..keywords: surgery, blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps, anatomy of lateral head.. .. Vymazalová: Clinical anatomy of relevant blood vessels of the posterior and lateral chest.. .. Vymazalová: Clinical anatomy of relevant blood vessels of the posterior and lateral chest regions used.. .. user
Libor Streit: Distal branches of facial nerve and mimic.. .. user
Adam Bajus: Posterior interosseous artery flap
MEFANET.. .. Dzetkuličová, MSc, PhD, Adam Bajus, Andrej Berkeš, Alessandro Bianchi, Karolína Bretová, .. .. user
Giuseppe Visconti: Lateral thoracic artery lymph node..
SCaLPEL clinical anatomy and surgical procedures videos – neurosurgery
.. recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded.. .. recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded clinical anatomy lectures relevant to.. ..keywords: neck anatomy, cervical plexus, cranial nerves of the neck region, neck.. ..keywords: junction schwannoma, MVD hemifacial spasm, head and neck anatomy, cervical plexus, cranial nerves of.. .. Zdravko Petanjek: Basic anatomy – neck 4: Blood vessels of the neck (video 1)
MEFANET.. .. Zdravko Petanjek: Basic anatomy – neck 4: Blood vessels of the neck (video 1)
MEFANET.. .. Petanjek: Basic anatomy – neck 4: Blood vessels of the neck (video 1)
MEFANET.. .. Petanjek: Basic anatomy – neck 8: Topography of posterior region of the neck (video 1)
MEFANET.. .. Petanjek: Basic anatomy – neck 2: Cervical spine and craniocervical junction (video.. .. Basic anatomy – neck 7: Topography of anterolateral region of the neck (video 1)
Anatomical Dissection - Introduction to dissection course
.. educational videofilm Anatomical dissection - Introduction to.. .. instructor, students will be able to dissect and identify important structures of the specific.. .. damaging to the superficially located nerves and vessels. After removal of the skin important structures.. .. dissection is an inseparable component of the study of anatomy. It is important.. .. realization of topographical relations of organs and structures that students have learnt in the.. ..keywords: of the subcutis, dissection of muscles, vessels,.. ..keywords: scalpel, forceps, skin incisions, dissection of the subcutis, dissection of muscles, vessels,..
.. Arthroscopy, Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management, LBP - Low Back.. .. contains folloving topics: Arthroscopy, Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain.. .. the Arthroscopy there are described principles of diagnostic arthroscopies, indications and.. .. CT, MRI, bone scan) and surgeries (anterior, posterior and combined), orthotic care.
In LBP - Low Back.. .. of diagnostic arthroscopies, indications and possibilities: shoulder, wrist, hip, knee,.. ..keywords: osteoporosis, diagnostics, conservative and surgical.. ..of. MUDr. Richard Chaloupka, CSc., Martin Repko,.. .. MB
Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain..
SCaLPEL clinical anatomy and surgical procedures videos – spondylosurgery
.. recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded.. .. recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded clinical anatomy lectures relevant to.. ..keywords: vertebral column, muscles of the back, vessels and nerves of the vertebral column,.. ..keywords: orthopaedics, vertebral column, muscles of the back, vessels and nerves of the vertebral.. ..keywords: vertebral column, muscles of the back, vessels and nerves of the vertebral column,.. .. user
Vertebral column: blood supply & innervation
MEFANET.. .. [?]
Degenerative spondylolisthesis of L4 (TLIF)
.. .. Dzetkuličová, MSc, PhD, Klaudia Hašanová, Jan Kocanda, Lucie Kubíčková, Klaudia Lakatosová, Boris Lin..
Selected chapters from orthopaedics
.. namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression,.. .. osteoporosis, scoliosis, spine deformities, and spine trauma. The material provides the basic.. .. and night pain, there is necessary to use MRI. Blood tests, neurological and internal examinations.. .. of knee and shoulder are the most common... .. are operated most frequently. We use anterior, posterior or combined approach.
In cases of low back pain.. .. of knee and shoulder are the most common. Prevailing knee.. ..keywords: Low back pain, Treatment of bone tumour pain, Spinal cord compression,.. ..of. MUDr. Richard Chaloupka, CSc. Attachments:..
Hydrocephalus - demonstrační kasuistika
.. pressure at lumbar puncture (LP) in the absence of papilledema led to the term NPH. However,.. .. younger than 60 years.2 Enlarged ventricles and normal CSF pressure at lumbar puncture (LP) in.. .. sequences).
Ballooning of frontal horns of lateral ventricles and third ventricle (ie, "Mickey.. .. obstructive hydrocephalus caused by obstruction of the foramina of Luschka and Magendie. This MRI.. .. caused by obstruction of the foramina of Luschka and Magendie. This MRI sagittal image demonstrates.. .. MRI sagittal image demonstrates dilatation of lateral ventricles with stretching of corpus callosum..
Selected chapters from neurosurgery
.. set of educational videos is dedicated to selected.. .. haemorrhage from a cerebral aneurysm, and treatment of pial arteriovenous malformations of.. .. with brain atrophy (elderly patients) and blood clotting disorders (eg warfarinized patients)... .. malformation (AVM) is a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain... .. on the anatomical and physiological conditions of the nervous system. At the beginning of the.. .. of two parts - anterior (adenohypophysis) and posterior (neurohypophysis). It connects to the.. .. its specifics, which are based on the anatomical and physiological conditions of the nervous system... ..keywords: external ventricular drainage, pituitary gland, adenoma, microadenoma, macroadenoma,.. .. user
Introduction of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt
MEFANET.. .. Vidlák, Kateřina Procházková, Milena Košťálová, Andrea Doleželová Odkazy*:
SCaLPEL case files – plastic surgery
.. collection of 18 presentations containing 21 cases from the.. .. the area of plastic surgery. Created, presented, and discussed as a part of the Erasmus + project.. .. Jelínková: Double SCIP flap reconstruction of lower extremity defect
MEFANET.. .. LNT in lymphedema surgery – vascular anatomy and preoperative diagnostics
MEFANET.. .. Nicolò Lazzeri Domar: Perforator flaps in the lateral thoracic region for breast..
TELEHEMATOLOGIE: společné řešení pro edukační obrazový archiv a vzdálené konzultace
.. for succesfull implementation, " Blood, vol. 103, pp. 486–488, 2004.
[3] .. .. a obtisku vodoznaku je využito volně dostupného softwaru ImageMagick. Server je vybaven operačním s.. .. vol. 103, pp. 486–488, 2004.
[3] Anderson S.C., Poulen K.B.: Anderson´s Atlas.. ..of. MUDr. Miroslav Penka, CSc., Ing. Daniel..