SCaLPEL case files – plastic surgery
..keywords: SCaLPEL, SCIP flap, ALT flap, free flap, facial reconstruction, gracilis flap, facial.. .. gracilis flap & donor nerve selection for facial reanimation – anatomy and preoperative d.. .. Libor Streit: Segmental gracilis flap & donor nerve selection for facial reanimation – anatomy and p..
SCaLPEL clinical anatomy and surgical procedures videos – plastic surgery
..keywords: system of limbs, forehead flap, submental flap, facial nerve, muscles of facial.. ..keywords: of limbs, forehead flap, submental flap, facial nerve, muscles of facial.. .. Libor Streit: Distal branches of facial nerve and mimic muscles
MEFANET.. .. Libor Streit: Distal branches of facial nerve and mimic muscles
Operační léčba v onkogynekologii – karcinom hrdla, těla dělohy a ovaria
.. příslušné a adekvátní radikality- typ A, B, C1 (nerve sparing), C2 a D. Standardní stagingová operace k..
Selected chapters from paediatric surgery
.. epidermolysis bullosa, hypospadias, congenital facial malformations, neonatal solid..