Hypertext atlas of Bone Marrow Pathology

Hypertext Atlas of Bone Marrow Pathology Pathology contains clinical and histological images of various forms of bone marrow diseases. Virtual microscope interface is used to access histological images available in very high resolution. The Atlas is available in English and Czech.
Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia by a vascularised fibular graft

Five cases of congenital pseudarthrosis of tiba treated by resection and transfer of vascularised fibula from opposite leg are demonstrated. All were healed irrespective of long-term treatment involving in two cases additional spongioplasty. Combined operation team was formed by orthopaedic a plastic surgeons skilled in microsurgery.
Mini-invasive treatment of stress urinary incontinence with tension free vaginal tape TVT-O

The insertion of a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) under the urethra has become the golden standard in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Stress urinary incontinence represents serious medical and social problem. Surgical treatment of urethra hypermobility or hypotonia has become the optimal treatment option. Mini-invasive vaginal surgical approach is the most effective. This video shows vaginal urethropexis with tension free vaginal tape inserted to obturatory fossa by "inside-out" technique.
.. in spine tumours and injuries, Osteporosis, Treatment of spinal deformities and Spine.. .. Arthroscopy, Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management, LBP - Low Back.. .. Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management, LBP - Low Back Pain,.. .. Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management, LBP - Low Back Pain, Surgeries.. .. and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management, LBP - Low Back Pain, Surgeries in.. .. extremities involvement – diagnostics and treatment, Mirels score, management of pathological.. .. the Arthroscopy there are described principles of diagnostic arthroscopies, indications and.. .. Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management there are described .. .. Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management there are described management.. .. and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management there are described management of.. ..keywords: arthroscopy, arthroscopic surgery, bone tumours, spine tumours, spine injuries, spinal.. ..keywords: arthroscopy, arthroscopic surgery, bone tumours, spine tumours, spine injuries, spinal cord.. .. MB
Treatment of spinal deformities
13.06.. ..of. MUDr. Richard Chaloupka, CSc., Martin Repko,.. .. Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management
1.86.. .. Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management
1.86.. .. and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management
1.86 MB
Selected chapters from orthopaedics
.. orthopaedics, namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression,.. .. namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression,.. .. namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression, surgery.. .. arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression, surgery for back.. .. from orthopaedics, namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord.. .. pain. There is necessity of early diagnosis and treatment of life threatening injuries, inflammations and.. .. of knee and shoulder are the most common... .. pathological diaphyseal fractures of long bones. We indicate nails, or tumour resection, bone.. .. of life threatening injuries, inflammations and tumours.
Diagnostic consists of X-ray (in two planes).. .. cuff lesions and instabilities.
Low back pain could be acute or chronical. The cause of low.. ..keywords: Low back pain, Treatment of bone tumour pain, Spinal cord compression,.. ..keywords: Low back pain, Treatment of bone tumour pain, Spinal cord compression,.. ..keywords: Low back pain, Treatment of bone tumour pain, Spinal cord compression, Surgery.. ..keywords: Low back pain, Treatment of bone tumour pain, Spinal cord compression, Surgery for back.. ..keywords: Low back pain, Treatment of bone tumour pain, Spinal cord.. ..of. MUDr. Richard Chaloupka, CSc. Attachments:.. .. Artoscopy
9.33 MB
Bone tumour pain
3.73.. .. MB
Bone tumour pain
3.73 MB
Low.. .. MB
Surgery for back pain
15.95 MB
Pediatric oncology for medical students – e-learning programme
.. of cancer in childhood, factors influencing treatment decisions and the risks of anticancer therapy.... .. provides a comprehensive overview of the age-specific differences between pediatric..
Free fibula harvesting – videolecture
.. can be used for microsurgical reconstruction of bone defects of the tibia, femur, forearm, and.. .. can be used for microsurgical reconstruction of bone defects of the tibia, femur, forearm, and upper..
Kapitoly z ortopedie
.. léčení kostní nádorové bolesti, LBP - Low Back Pain - bolesti v kříži, možnosti operačního léčení bol.. .. léčbu.
Výukové texty týkající se LPB - Low Back Pain - Bolesti v kříži obsahují patogenezu, dia.. .. sítě MEFANET
LBP - Low Back Pain - Bolesti v kříži
1.75 MB
uživatel vz..
Selected chapters from neurosurgery
.. awake craniotomy (brain tumour surgery), treatment of subarachnoid haemorrhage from a cerebral.. .. set of educational videos is dedicated to selected.. .. of a pituitary adenoma, awake craniotomy (brain tumour surgery), treatment of subarachnoid haemorrhage.. .. hydrocephalus, because endoscopic treatment is preferred in patients with obstructive.. .. on the anatomical and physiological conditions of the nervous system. At the beginning of the.. .. drilling a hole of approximately 1 cm in the bone, cutting the dura and removing the hematoma.. .. glands.
Awake craniotomy – brain tumour surgery
Authors: Eduard Neuman, Marek Sova,.. .. user
Introduction of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt
MEFANET.. .. user
Awake craniotomy – brain tumour surgery
SCaLPEL case files – spondylosurgery
.. collection of 8 presentations containing 13 cases from the.. .. Martin Repko: Hyperkyphosis – surgical treatment
Pediatric Orthopaedics
.. orthopedics is an important part of the Orthopedics. This branch of medicine has a.. .. which enables an early diagnosis and subsequent treatment of this deformity.
Another severe deformity of.. .. is an idiopathic juvenile avascular necrosis of the femoral head, which is caused by atack of..
Operační korekce prolapsu pochvy implantátem Nuvia
..keywords: organ prolapse, Surgical treatment, Polypropylene mesh,..
DIOS - Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard
.. objective to enhance the oncologists' awareness of the significance of dose intensity monitoring in.. .. Principles of Cytostatic Therapy in Malignant Tumours, published by the Czech Oncological Society of.. .. to selected criteria, such as diagnosis, treatment intent, treatment line or a specific cytostatic... .. the goals mentioned above, the most important of them being the survey and digitization of.. .. Ing. Petr Brabec, MUDr. Jan Novotný, Ph.D., prof. MUDr. Rostislav Vyzula, CSc., prof. MUDr. Jitka..