Free fibula harvesting – videolecture

This educational video shows the procedure for harvesting a free vascularized fibula that can be used for microsurgical reconstruction of bone defects of the tibia, femur, forearm, and upper or lower jaw. The entire operation, which has been edited into a 18-minute video, is described in detail: English subtitles are available.
SCaLPEL case files – abdominal (GIT) surgery

A collection of 17 presentations containing 17 cases from the area of abdominal (GIT) surgery. Created, presented, and discussed as a part of the Erasmus + project SCaLPEL (Project no. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000032237). Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
SCaLPEL clinical anatomy and surgical procedures videos – abdominal (GIT) surgery

Video recordings of various surgical procedures and recorded clinical anatomy lectures relevant to abdominal (GIT) surgery. Created as a part of the Erasmus + project SCaLPEL (Project no. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000032237). Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
Mini-invasive treatment of stress urinary incontinence with tension free vaginal tape TVT-O

The insertion of a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) under the urethra has become the golden standard in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Stress urinary incontinence represents serious medical and social problem. Surgical treatment of urethra hypermobility or hypotonia has become the optimal treatment option. Mini-invasive vaginal surgical approach is the most effective. This video shows vaginal urethropexis with tension free vaginal tape inserted to obturatory fossa by "inside-out" technique.
SCaLPEL clinical anatomy and surgical procedures videos – plastic surgery
..keywords: blood vessels of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps, anatomy of lateral head region,.. ..keywords: of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps, anatomy of lateral head region, lymphatic.. ..keywords: of posterior and lateral thorax, abdominal free flaps, anatomy of lateral head region, lymphatic.. .. anatomy of relevant blood vessels used in abdominal free flaps reconstructive plastic.. .. of relevant blood vessels used in abdominal free flaps reconstructive plastic.. .. Giuseppe Visconti: TDAP & LICAP propeller flaps (AICAP flap)
SCaLPEL case files – plastic surgery
..keywords: surgery, SCaLPEL, SCIP flap, ALT flap, free flap, facial reconstruction, gracilis flap,.. .. D`Angelo Bozzi: Fibula osteoseptocutaneous free flap for mandibular.. .. Nicolò Lazzeri Domar: Perforator flaps in the lateral thoracic region for breast..
Miniinvazívní terapie stresové inkontinence TVT páskou
.. („tension-free vaginal tape“), je metoda založena na ..
Hypertext atlas of Fetal Pathology
.. atlas of fetal and neonatal pathology is a free resource for pregraduate students of medicine,..
Selected chapters from paediatric surgery
.. definition, classification of abdominal and retroperitoneal injuries, aetiology of..
Anatomical Dissection - Introduction to dissection course
.. at the inner surface of the reflected muscular flaps. The branches should be isolated to their entry..
Selected chapters from orthopaedics
.. internal examination, including chest X-ray and abdominal ultrasonography are necessary. The cases of..
Selected chapters from neurosurgery
.. end of the valve, which is inserted into the abdominal cavity, where the extra fluid is absorbed.