Free fibula harvesting – videolecture

This educational video shows the procedure for harvesting a free vascularized fibula that can be used for microsurgical reconstruction of bone defects of the tibia, femur, forearm, and upper or lower jaw. The entire operation, which has been edited into a 18-minute video, is described in detail: English subtitles are available.
Selected chapters from neurosurgery

This set of educational videos is dedicated to selected topics in the area of neurosurgery: surgical techniques (basic procedures in neurosurgery), trephination of chronic subdural haematoma, endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV), supplementary tests in normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH), introduction of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, transnasal extirpation of a pituitary adenoma, awake craniotomy (brain tumour surgery), treatment of subarachnoid haemorrhage from a cerebral aneurysm, and treatment of pial arteriovenous malformations of the brain.

This educational contribution contains folloving topics: Arthroscopy, Surgical and orthotic possibilities of bone tumour pain management, LBP - Low Back Pain, Surgeries in low back pain management, Spinal cord compression in spine tumours and injuries, Osteporosis, Treatment of spinal deformities and Spine traumatology.
Pediatric otorhinolaryngology

Tutorial text Pediatric otorhinolaryngology is the basic text with informations about the embryology, clinical anatomy and physiology, investigations practice by the ORL diseases for study of otorhinolaryngology. Text is divided in chapters for the preparing for examination in otorhinolaryngology.
Treatment of congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia by a vascularised fibular graft

Five cases of congenital pseudarthrosis of tiba treated by resection and transfer of vascularised fibula from opposite leg are demonstrated. All were healed irrespective of long-term treatment involving in two cases additional spongioplasty. Combined operation team was formed by orthopaedic a plastic surgeons skilled in microsurgery.
Mini-invasive treatment of stress urinary incontinence with tension free vaginal tape TVT-O

The insertion of a tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) under the urethra has become the golden standard in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Stress urinary incontinence represents serious medical and social problem. Surgical treatment of urethra hypermobility or hypotonia has become the optimal treatment option. Mini-invasive vaginal surgical approach is the most effective. This video shows vaginal urethropexis with tension free vaginal tape inserted to obturatory fossa by "inside-out" technique.
Selected chapters from paediatric surgery

This set of educational materials is dedicated to selected topics in the area of paediatric surgery: minor surgery, neonatal surgery, introduction to traumatology, visceral traumatology, acute abdomen, thoracic surgery, plastic surgery, surgical oncology and congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract; moreover, the battered child syndrome is mentioned as well.
Selected chapters from orthopaedics

The educational contribution introduces the selected chapters from orthopaedics, namely arthroscopy, low back pain, treatment of bone tumour pain, spinal cord compression, surgery for back pain, osteoporosis, scoliosis, spine deformities, and spine trauma. The material provides the basic and essential knowledge required to pass the examination.
Pediatric Orthopaedics

Pediatric orthopedics is an important part of the Orthopedics. This branch of medicine has a long-term tradition in the Czech Republic and Czech orthopedists have an important place in the worldwide history, thanks to prof. Frejka, prof. Pavlik and many others. In these study materials medical students can find some core topics of a pediatric orthopedics - a frequently occurring deformities and diseases of childhood. They can also serve as an basic review of the most common orthopedics diseases.
Pediatric oncology for medical students – e-learning programme

The electronic textbook "Pediatric oncology for medical students” provides a comprehensive overview of the age-specific differences between pediatric tumors and tumors of the adult age, importance of the age for diagnosis of cancer in childhood, factors influencing treatment decisions and the risks of anticancer therapy.. General section of the textbook provides a concise overview of the fundamental differences between pediatric and adult oncology, age specific clinical presentation of of the most common pediatric tumors, basic diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities of malignant diseases and last but not least the importance of organisation and centralisation of pediatric oncology on national and international level. Special section of the textbook offers an overview of the common and rare malignant tumors in children from epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis to treatment modalities and prognosis. The third section is devoted to emergencies and acute toxicity of anticancer treatment in pediatric oncology. The last section of the textbook offers the review of the most common late consequences and late effects in childhood cancer survivors. The textbook is designed as a basic information of principles and practices in pediatric oncology for pregradual students of medical faculty. The main goal of textbook is the understanding and basic knowledges of the pediatric tumors. Another aim of the textbook is to learn students how to work with literature and literature database search.