Paediatrics, Neonatology

SCaLPEL case files – spondylosurgery

Author: Veronika Dzetkuličová, Mikołaj Dąbrowski, Łukasz Kubaszewski, Jan Kocanda, Martin Repko

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A collection of 8 presentations containing 13 cases from the area of spondylosurgery. Created, presented, and discussed as a part of the Erasmus + project SCaLPEL (Project no. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000032237). Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

SCaLPEL case files – plastic surgery

Author: Veronika Dzetkuličová, A. Bajus, M. Barbera, J. Bartkova, K.C. Bayezid, A. Bianchi, A. Bozzi, M. Fabbri, F. Knotek, N. Lazzeri Domar, J. Macek, R. Mackovič, G. Macrì, D. Matysková, N. Ratti, P. Rotschein, L. Smaldino, Libor Streit, G. Tarantino, F. Taraschi

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A collection of 18 presentations containing 21 cases from the area of plastic surgery. Created, presented, and discussed as a part of the Erasmus + project SCaLPEL (Project no. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000032237). Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

SCaLPEL case files – neurosurgery

Author: Veronika Dzetkuličová, Sergej Marasanov, Andrej Mrlian, Ondřej Navrátil, Martin Smrčka, Miroslav Vukic

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A collection of 12 presentations containing 40 cases from the area of neurosurgery. Created, presented, and discussed as a part of the Erasmus + project SCaLPEL (Project no. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-HED-000032237). Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Study notes for lectures in paediatric cardiology not only for paediatricians

Author: Hana Jičínská

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Study notes for lectures in paediatric cardiology not only for paediatricians consist of four main parts: Paediatric propedeutics in paediatric cardiology, How to make a diagnosis in paediatric cardiology, Paediatric cardiology I and Paediatric cardiology II. Paediatric propedeutics is focused on the examination of a patient with suspicion on cardiac disease. How to make a diagnosis reviews the diagnostic methods in cardiology and their contribution to the diagnostic process. Paediatric cardiology I is focused on cardiac disease, mainly congenital heart defects, diagnosis of congenital heart defects and their treatment. Paediatric cardiology II covers issues of cardiomyopathies, inflammatory heart disease and arrhythmias.

Pediatric otorhinolaryngology

Author: Ivo Šlapák, Dalibor Janeček, Lukáš Lavička a kol.

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Tutorial text Pediatric otorhinolaryngology is the basic text with informations about the embryology, clinical anatomy and physiology, investigations practice by the ORL diseases for study of otorhinolaryngology. Text is divided in chapters for the preparing for examination in otorhinolaryngology.

Selected chapters from paediatric surgery

Author: Ladislav Plánka, Jana Bartošková, Štěpánka Bibrová, Robert Doušek, Matej Husár, Yvona Kaloudová, Břetislav Lipový, Robert Macháček, Jan Škvařil, Jitka Vokurková

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This set of educational materials is dedicated to selected topics in the area of paediatric surgery: minor surgery, neonatal surgery, introduction to traumatology, visceral traumatology, acute abdomen, thoracic surgery, plastic surgery, surgical oncology and congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract; moreover, the battered child syndrome is mentioned as well.

Paediatric ENT

Author: Ivo Šlapák, Klára Bartoňková, Michaela Máchalová

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The electronic textbook “Paediatric ENT” provides the basic description of individual ENT organs, their examination, possible pathological conditions, and therapeutic principles. The textbook provides the basic knowledge in the field of paediatric ENT and essential knowledge required to pass the examination.

Pediatric oncology for medical students – e-learning programme

Author: Viera Bajčiová, Pavel Mazánek, Karel Zitterbart

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The electronic textbook "Pediatric oncology for medical students” provides a comprehensive overview of the age-specific differences between pediatric tumors and tumors of the adult age, importance of the age for diagnosis of cancer in childhood, factors influencing treatment decisions and the risks of anticancer therapy.. General section of the textbook provides a concise overview of the fundamental differences between pediatric and adult oncology, age specific clinical presentation of of the most common pediatric tumors, basic diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities of malignant diseases and last but not least the importance of organisation and centralisation of pediatric oncology on national and international level. Special section of the textbook offers an overview of the common and rare malignant tumors in children from epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis to treatment modalities and prognosis. The third section is devoted to emergencies and acute toxicity of anticancer treatment in pediatric oncology. The last section of the textbook offers the review of the most common late consequences and late effects in childhood cancer survivors. The textbook is designed as a basic information of principles and practices in pediatric oncology for pregradual students of medical faculty. The main goal of textbook is the understanding and basic knowledges of the pediatric tumors. Another aim of the textbook is to learn students how to work with literature and literature database search.

Hypertext atlas of Neonatal Pathology

Author: Marta Ježová, Sylva Hotárková, Katarína Múčková, Ondřej Souček, Pavel Vlašín, Josef Feit

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Hypertext Atlas of Neonatal Pathology contains clinical and histological images of various forms of neonatal pathology. Virtual microscope interface is used to access histological images available in very high resolution. The Atlas is available in English and Czech.

Hypertext atlas of Fetal Pathology

Author: Marta Ježová, Sylva Hotárková, Katarína Múčková, Ondřej Souček, Pavel Vlašín, Josef Feit

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Hypertext Atlas of Fetal and Neonatal Pathology contains clinical and histological images of various form of developmental anomalies. Virtual microscope interface is used to access histological images available in very high resolution. The Atlas is available in English and Czech.