Paediatric ENT
The electronic textbook “Paediatric ENT” provides the basic description of individual ENT organs, their examination, possible pathological conditions, and therapeutic principles. The textbook provides the basic knowledge in the field of paediatric ENT and essential knowledge required to pass the examination.
Neural development and embryonic stem cell-based developmental modelling
This educational article titled “Neural development and embryonic stem cell-based developmental modelling“ describes how to investigate the roles of genes in human neural development using stem cell technologies and molecular biology techniques. This educational article is primarily focused on experimental practices. Thus this article is intended for postgraduate students (e.g. Master student, Diploma, and PhD students). However, the article is also suitable for undergraduate students, who are interested in stem cell biology and molecular biology. In the text, students will learn how to perform basic molecular biology techniques (e.g. gene cloning, making fusion protein, PCR and sequencing), and how to grow and to manipulate human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Moreover, students will learn how to drive hESCs toward to neural fates.
Basic principles and molecular mechanisms regulating early development of mammals - physiology and pathology
This educational text titled “Basic principles and molecular mechanisms regulating early development of mammals - ¬physiology and pathology“ describes how embryogenesis proceeds in mammals. In this text, students will learn how the egg is fertilised, how the fertilised egg survives in the mother’s womb (called implatation), how the fertilised egg divides, how the blastocyst develops, how the implanted blastocyst undergos gastrulation or the three germ layers form, and how the brain, heart, muscle, and internal organs develop. Moreover, if the processes go awry, what the baby will be affected. This educational material is recommened to General Medical, Dental Medical students and the students who are taking a developmental biological course.
Essentials of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
The English text has been created for one-semester course of medical chemistry. It is assigned for the students of English program of General medicine and Dentistry studies. The textbook summarizes essential facts from chemistry and biochemistry. The selection of topics emphasizes the biochemical processes and the metabolic conversions of compounds occurring in the human body. The knowledge of presented facts is necessary for understanding metabolic processes on cellular and organ level in the following studies of biochemistry
Interactive algorithms in the education of selected acute medicine topics
Algorithmization and procedural management of the therapeutic process has become very popular as quality management systems have developed and health care quality has been assessed. It is obvious that a procedurally-thinking physician can react more efficiently, promptly and economically to critical situations which are so abundant in acute medicine. The interactive educational algorithms on the portal AKUTNE.CZ have been developed with the aim of simulating decision processes in acute patients. The ultimate aim of the algorithms is to make students remember the correct procedures which are necessary for the management of acute situations. This comprehensive work contains 24 interactive algorithms both in Czech and English language which deal with various acute medicine topics. It covers acute medicine from prehospital care to highly specialized hospital care.
Molecular biology
The terms "recombinant DNA technology", "DNA cloning", "molecular cloning", and "gene cloning" all refer to the same process: a transfer of a DNA fragment of interest from one organism to a self-replicating genetic element such as a bacterial plasmid. The DNA of interest can then be replicated (together with the rest of the plasmid) in a foreign host cell. This technology is a common practice in molecular biology labs today.
Protein preparation
This course contains five sub-courses, which consist of theoretical and practical parts. The individual sub-courses should provide students simple and quick approaches needed for solving basic scientific problems that could rise during the course of their bachelor, diploma or PhD study. The first set will allow students to gain knowledge about protein cloning, expression and purification. The second part focuses on biochemical characterization of enzymes via their enzymatic activity as well as protein-protein interactions. The third set will provide simple biochemical methods to detect protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions as well as monitor motor activity of protein.
Medical Assessment Service in the Czech Republic
Social security is a general name for a system formed by subsystems (or the so called pillars). It is a system of social insurance, system of state social support and system of social assistance. Generally, it can be said that the elementary purpose (and objective) of social security is to help people in difficult life situations that they are not able to handle themselves, or with an assistance of their family or close friends and relatives. These situations are usually accompanied by a drop of or shortfall in an income from gainful activities leading to the loss of funds to provide for basic living needs.
Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses
One of the possible approaches to study human diseases and their complexity is to use non-human experimental model organisms.Electronic downloadable textbook “Pathophysiology practicals for General Medicine and Dental Medicine courses“ for students of pathophysiology in General Medicine (VLA) and Dental Medicine (ZLA) courses aims to serve as a practical manual during the practicals and tutorials.
DIOS - Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard
The DIOS project was launched in 2006 with the primary objective to enhance the oncologists' awareness of the significance of dose intensity monitoring in anticancer chemotherapy. Another objective was to develop a fully electronic version of chemotherapy regimens which could complement the Principles of Cytostatic Therapy in Malignant Tumours, published by the Czech Oncological Society of CMA JEP. The advantages of the electronic version include easy updates, as well as the possibility of direct use for clinical practice and/or educational purposes. The electronic standards can also be used as templates for hospital information system databases.