Neural development and embryonic stem cell-based developmental modelling
This educational article titled “Neural development and embryonic stem cell-based developmental modelling“ describes how to investigate the roles of genes in human neural development using stem cell technologies and molecular biology techniques. This educational article is primarily focused on experimental practices. Thus this article is intended for postgraduate students (e.g. Master student, Diploma, and PhD students). However, the article is also suitable for undergraduate students, who are interested in stem cell biology and molecular biology. In the text, students will learn how to perform basic molecular biology techniques (e.g. gene cloning, making fusion protein, PCR and sequencing), and how to grow and to manipulate human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). Moreover, students will learn how to drive hESCs toward to neural fates.
First Aid e-learning
The First Aid e-learning summarizes the basic topics of first aid in six chapters. The material is updated according to the latest recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council published in 2021. The below-mentioned version of the website is intended for the general public. For students and lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine of the Masaryk University, there is an extended version, which is supplemented with organisational information and video lectures.
Pediatric oncology for medical students – e-learning programme
The electronic textbook "Pediatric oncology for medical students” provides a comprehensive overview of the age-specific differences between pediatric tumors and tumors of the adult age, importance of the age for diagnosis of cancer in childhood, factors influencing treatment decisions and the risks of anticancer therapy.. General section of the textbook provides a concise overview of the fundamental differences between pediatric and adult oncology, age specific clinical presentation of of the most common pediatric tumors, basic diagnostic procedures and treatment modalities of malignant diseases and last but not least the importance of organisation and centralisation of pediatric oncology on national and international level. Special section of the textbook offers an overview of the common and rare malignant tumors in children from epidemiology, etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic procedures, differential diagnosis to treatment modalities and prognosis. The third section is devoted to emergencies and acute toxicity of anticancer treatment in pediatric oncology. The last section of the textbook offers the review of the most common late consequences and late effects in childhood cancer survivors. The textbook is designed as a basic information of principles and practices in pediatric oncology for pregradual students of medical faculty. The main goal of textbook is the understanding and basic knowledges of the pediatric tumors. Another aim of the textbook is to learn students how to work with literature and literature database search.
Program rozvoje postgraduálního medicínského vzdělávání
.. Kolaborativní učení s virtuálním pacientem, Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I, Tvorba a využití .. .. učení s virtuálním pacientem, Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I, Tvorba a využití OSCE, .. .. učení s virtuálním pacientem, Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I, Tvorba a využití OSCE, Základy a.. .. příkladech vybraných virtuálních kazuistik.
Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I
Vybudování tzv. s.. .. vybraných virtuálních kazuistik.
Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I
Vybudování tzv. shared .. .. virtuálních kazuistik.
Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I
Vybudování tzv. shared mental m.. ..klíčová slova: pacient, kolaborativní učení, OSCE, simulation based learning, debriefieng,.. ..klíčová slova: pacient, kolaborativní učení, OSCE, simulation based learning, debriefieng,.. ..klíčová slova: kolaborativní učení, OSCE, simulation based learning, debriefieng,.. .. systému MU
Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I - odkaz do.. .. Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I - odkaz do Informačního .. .. Simulation Based Learning a debriefieng I - odkaz do Informačního systému M..
Analysis of genomic and proteomic data
.. e-learning educational textbook is dedicated to analysis of..
Průvodce elektronickými databázemi LF a PřF
.. ve spolupráci se Servisním střediskem pro e-learning MU a je zpřístupněna na Elportále MU (ISSN 180..
Research Activities in Dentistry – Practical Course
.. the ability to metabolize the folic acid) based on the analyzed MTHFR..
New methods of primary prevention of dental caries in children
.. of dental caries in children” is based on the need to present updated literature on..
Ultrazvuková terminologie v gynekologii
.. test k zopakování nabytých vědomostí. E-learning je koncipován jako praktické obrázkové doplnění a..
MEFANET 2008 introduced modern teaching methods applied at medical faculties
.. conference MEFANET, which was focused on e-learning and health informatics in the education of.. .. medical faculties.
The MEFANET project is based on the cooperation among ten Czech and Slovak.. .. of the Dean's Council and Chairman of the E-learning Committee at the 1st Faculty of Medicine at..
Jak hodnotit kolposkopii děložního čípku
..learning vysvětluje hodnocení kolposkopie děložního čípku ..
Procedures of Assisted Reproduction
.. oocyte retrieval.
The long-standing experience based on scientific research activity is reflected in..
První pomoc
..learning První pomoci shrnuje v šesti kapitolách základní ..